Monday, February 20, 2012

Teapots and Tantrums

I like eating Daddy's work security pass, it is covered with germs which everyone knows I enjoy.

I CANNOT believe you took my security pass away.  This blue ball is a VERY poor substiute and I am NOT HAPPY.

Well maybe this ball isn't so bad after all, it's bit tricky to keep hold of though.

My ball! My ball! It fell off the sofa.  This would never have happened if I'd been allowed to keep the security pass.  This is ALL YOUR FAULT.

Editors Note:  Top and dress from Next via eBay, tights from Next but actually bought in the shop.  Old School.

Friday, February 10, 2012

What the Ladybird Heard

Sadly I don't have any glittery ladybirds hiding on every page (like in the book), but there are several somewhat larger that average and not really glittery ladybirds in this post, why not see if you can spot them. 

Here's the first one to get you started:

Did you see it?

Sorry about the blurry hands.

Well don't worry about it, there's no prize or anything so it's up to you what you do with your time.

This outfit was a Christmas present for the Goose and was 1/2 price at Sainbury's for some reason or other

 It also has a hat, but as you may be able to see, it was not really well received as a concept and is generally abandoned in favour of BoJo hair.

So how many ladybirds did you see?

That's right!  You didn't see any, you only saw lots of pictures of a teeny little Goose in a silly costume.  Ten points to Gryffindor if you spotted it.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Lavender and Scarlet

This is another fine NCT dress, from Pumkin Patch this time, with the slightly maverick colour combination.

Its supposed to be size 6-12 months so in theory she could still be wearing it, but its rather short and tends to show her bottom.

But whne you pull your skirt up like that, maybe the length of your skirt is less cause for concern.

It's a very nice bottom though, so perhaps people won't mind seeing it afterall.

She clearly likes to have her bottom admired.  What a strange Goose.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Baby B'Gosh

The good news is I have a new philosophy.

It involves taking pictures of the Goose (and her clothes) even when the the lighting isn't perfect, there isn't time to get the white backdrop out (particularly when it seems to have been mislaid), she won't stay still for 2 seconds and the background of the pictures isn't super (or even slightly) tidy.


Basically, I just need to take the pictures and worry about all the other stuff only when there's time.

Which there never is.

So what I'm saying is, I'll try and update more often if you excuse the drop off in picture quality.  At least until summer when I might occasionally see some daylight and we can go outside.


On that note, today's outfit is her Baby B'Gosh dress which I love because of the collar which I think makes her look very sweet and also a little like a triceratops somehow.

Also Baby B'Gosh is very expensive and smart, except when you buy it for £1.50 from an NCT sale.  Then it's not so bad.

Also, now she can stand up to have her picture taken which is very exciting (depending on context).

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Magic Mushrooms II

This is another favourite autumnal 6-9 month outfit which is sadly on the way out, because someone's legs are getting just too long.

It's also much harder to get certain people to sit still to have their picture taken now they can move around so quickly and easily, which includes being able to get off the sofa without falling on her head.  They also seem to also think they should be allowed to press all the buttons on the camera and chew the strap.

Anway, this outfit came from good old George at Asda because I couldn't resist the stripey leggings. I'd rather like a pair of those myself, but I'm not sure how good a look it would be. Anyway, as the eponymous magic mushrooms have been less than visible so far, here they all in all their mushroom-y glory (if that kind of glory does in fact exist [it doesn't])

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas Goose

Just a quick update on how the Goose is getting on with the Christmas tree.

Magic Mushrooms

I've given up waiting for her to be better, it's apparntly not going to happen until she's 18 or something and in the meantime, she's rapidly growing out of some of my favourite 6-9 months clothes.

Like these lovely Marks and Spencer's dungerees with mushrooms, flowers and mice on them and which were a present from her Great Auntie Janet (in that I bought them with the giftcard she sent her).

She's worn these lots of times, although very few were captured on camera and now she's getting so long they're turning into shorts I though we better get them photographed shaprpish, poorly or not.

  You can see her nose is still a bit red and her eyes are a bit puffy, but she's still playing happily, trying to eat the power cord to the computer and standing up whilst holding on the fire guard.

Anyway, you can't really see the detail on the dungerees while she's all crumpled up (roll on the day when she can stand for these pictures) but in the meantime, here are a few of the details for your viewing enjoyment.

Yes, she may have had to sit on the floor in her vest while I borrowed her dungrees for these pictures but at least I put the fan heater on.